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Media personality Toke Makinwa has shared valuable advice for women in relationships, encouraging them not to make unrealistic and extravagant demands from their partners.

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In the latest episode of her podcast, TokeMoments, she emphasized the importance of not pressuring male partners and advised women to be considerate and practical in their expectations.

She said, “It’s essential for women to avoid pressuring their male partners, especially with demands that are beyond reason. For example, if you’re currently living in a more modest area and you’re urging your partner to buy you a house in a much more upscale location, it’s crucial to ask yourself if you can afford it independently. Can you even transition from your current situation without assistance?”

Toke Makinwa stressed that if a woman has made significant efforts to reach a specific point and has a vision for her future, she should discuss it with her partner. It’s about finding a balance and considering the hard work and determination put into achieving one’s goals.

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She continued, “If your partner meets you halfway and you’ve demonstrated your commitment and dedication, it’s a clear sign of hard work. Discuss with your partner whether they are willing to support you in achieving your dream and moving to the next level. It’s about having an open conversation.”

Toke Makinwa also highlighted the importance of not making excessive or unrealistic demands, as this behavior can contribute to men insulting women. Her advice encourages understanding, mutual support, and respect in relationships.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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