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The Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ola Olukoyede, has issued a directive for all staff members of the anti-corruption agency to declare their assets, aligning with civil service regulations and procedures.

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Mr. Olukoyede conveyed this directive during a meeting with senior EFCC staff at the Commission’s Corporate Headquarters in Abuja. He emphasized the importance of maintaining high ethical standards for those at the forefront of combating corruption.

In his address, Mr. Olukoyede stated, “All of us are going to declare our assets from level 17 downward. I did mine, so there’s no reason for anyone to be afraid to do the same. Even the commission secretary did. You all may also have done it in the past, but there’s a need for all of us to do it again.”

He continued by highlighting the necessity of this move, saying, “We will declare our assets, and we are going to investigate it. We must live above board by setting the pace with good examples. As anti-corruption fighters, our hands must be clean, so we must declare our assets.”

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Mr. Olukoyede urged EFCC staff to prioritize the fight against economic and financial crimes, with a focus on promoting the nation’s economic growth, creating an environment conducive to increased investment, and enhancing its productive capacity.

“We must do our job to add value to the nation. Investors must have confidence in the economy, and we must help the country to be governed in an accountable and transparent manner. By doing this, it will offer us a new direction to redeem the image of the nation,” he said.

He also stressed the importance of professionalism in EFCC’s interactions with the public, emphasizing the need for clean hands and an orderly organization.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Olukoyede assured that he would uphold fairness and treat everyone equally, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or region.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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