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The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) has announced its intention to resume the suspended strike in the nation’s shipping sector starting from October 30.

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President-General Mr. Adewale Adeyanju, speaking through the Union’s Head of Media, Mr. John Kennedy Ikemefuna, expressed that this decision was prompted by the unwillingness of the shipping companies’ representatives to engage in negotiations regarding the establishment of minimum standard conditions of service for the sector.

Adeyanju stated, “A technical committee comprising the union and shipping employers was also inaugurated by the minister to harmonize the union’s demands after three meetings held could not resolve the protracted Minimum Standard Condition of Service issue with the union.”

He further added, “It is worthy of note also that when a truce was almost in sight, the representatives of the shipping employers at the negotiation table began to develop a lackadaisical attitude toward the entire exercise. This gave them away as lacking the mandate to take decisions; their cold feet on the matter subsequently led to the collapse of the negotiation.”

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He emphasized that the strike action, which had been previously suspended, would recommence in the shipping branch of the union, affecting port formations across the country. Moreover, the other three branches of the union, which are Nigerian Ports Authority, dockworkers, and seafarers, will join the strike action in solidarity once the renewed seven-day ultimatum expires.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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