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On a respectful visit, former President Goodluck Jonathan extended his congratulations to President Bola Tinubu at the Presidential Villa merely 24 hours after the Supreme Court upheld Tinubu’s election victory. The legal challenges brought forth by Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Peter Obi of the Labour Party (LP) were both dismissed by the Supreme Court.

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In this private and cordial meeting, Jonathan emphasized the significance of unity among past Presidents and the need to formulate solutions that alleviate poverty for the masses. He stressed that it is imperative for Nigeria to lead the African continent through its multifaceted challenges.

Jonathan expressed his thoughts by stating, “We need to bring all our political leaders, including our former Presidents, together. If top leaders continue fighting, they will not suffer that much, but the downtrodden will suffer. And we want to end that tension so we can move forward. Elections are over, and so we must move forward.”

Regarding the need for Nigeria to assert its influence on the African stage, he emphasized that despite current economic challenges, the nation possesses the capability to lead Africa.

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Jonathan added, “That is what all Africans are saying. I had a program on democracy dialogue, and Prof. Lumumba spoke there. He emphasized the need for Nigeria to take the lead in Africa. Yes, we have economic challenges now, but we still have what it takes to lead Africa. These are some of the issues I will continue to discuss with Mr. President, including briefing him on all my foreign programs. They are not personal matters. Traditionally, former Presidents, when they go abroad for continental, regional, or even some international programs, brief the President upon their return. That is the tradition.”

Acknowledging the current economic concerns facing the country, Jonathan conveyed his optimism that with the right support for the government, Nigerians would surmount these challenges. The meeting not only symbolized goodwill but also the collective responsibility of leaders to address the pressing issues of the nation and the continent, moving forward towards unity and progress.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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