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The House of Representatives in Nigeria has made a commitment to closely monitor the effective utilization of funds provided by international partners and donor agencies aimed at advancing science and technology in the country.

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Chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology, Dachung Musa Bagos, made this announcement during the committee’s inaugural meeting in Abuja.

Mr. Bagos explained that their committee would assess the specific needs for intervention and ensure the proper utilization of financial support from international partners and donor agencies in the science, technology, and innovation sector.

The legislator emphasized that the committee is dedicated to improving the use of grants for the benefit of the sector. He also outlined the committee’s plans, which include engaging with relevant stakeholders and conducting oversight visits to ensure compliance with the 2023 Appropriation Act.

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Mr. Bagos stressed the committee’s commitment to working on policies, programs, and budgets to strengthen the science and technology sector. Additionally, the committee will organize study tours and retreats to harness the potential for economic diversification and national development.

The lawmaker discouraged brain drain while promoting youth involvement in the field. He promised that visits to educational institutions would be conducted to foster innovation and identify areas requiring legislative interventions.



Credit: NAN

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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