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About my honest and keen observation on this visit to Nigeria LNG. We have abandoned leadership to Politicians, KOK in his in-depth wisdom has dropped a short note about Nigeria LNG and it’s shortcomings.

Hear me out here, Nemo dat quod non habet ( YOU CANT GIVE WHAT YOU DONT HAVE) Politicians are in governance to dispense favor’s to loyalists and amass as much wealth as possible to remain in power to further impoverish the country.

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Read More: UNICEF calls for Federal-State collaboration to tackle Nigeria’s healthcare challenges

KOK in his in-depth wisdom

However our Politicians have no compassion for the poor. To them, everything is politics. Why can’t the Nigerian environment be orderly like Nigeria’s LNG environment?

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The Nollywood veteran actor and voice of the AGN actors guild of Nigeria, Has voiced out upon seeing the current status of the commonwealth of nations Oil Reserves and how its been managed.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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