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The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) has initiated efforts to enhance the infrastructure and quality of higher education institutions in Nigeria, with the goal of attracting international faculties and students. This move is part of a broader strategy to improve the global recognition and competitiveness of Nigerian tertiary institutions.

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TETFund’s Executive Secretary, Arc Sonny Echono, recently met with a delegation from the United Kingdom (UK) Government focused on international education. During this meeting, Echono highlighted the importance of fostering collaborations with UK institutions to raise the profile of Nigerian universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education.

Echono shared that TETFund is in the process of ranking its 253 beneficiary institutions based on various criteria, including multidisciplinary research output and the degree of internationalization. The intention is to support Nigerian institutions in becoming internationally recognized and to encourage Nigerian graduates to be acknowledged globally.

TETFund has a history of sponsoring Nigerian students to study at UK universities, and this collaboration aims to expand on these initiatives. The goal is to provide Nigerian scholars with a competitive edge in the global education landscape and motivate them to return to Nigeria after their studies abroad.

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Echono expressed concern that many Nigerian students who received substantial investments from the government for their education abroad choose to remain abroad after completing their studies. To address this issue, TETFund is working on mechanisms to facilitate the return of these scholars to Nigeria.

UK Government International Education Champion, Prof. Sir Steve Smith, led the delegation, and he emphasized the UK’s mandate to deepen relations with education and research systems in several countries, including Nigeria. He acknowledged the brain drain issue affecting Nigeria and recognized the importance of retaining highly skilled individuals in their home countries.

Prof. Smith pointed out that studying in Nigeria is more cost-effective than traveling to the UK for higher education, and he reaffirmed the UK’s commitment to working collaboratively to provide opportunities for Nigerian scholars to contribute to their country’s progress while furthering their academic careers.

Furthermore, the UK delegation is partnering with the National Universities Commission (NUC) to develop guidelines for transnational education. This collaborative effort is expected to promote the quality and international recognition of Nigerian higher education institutions.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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