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A recent development has seen the students, who staged the protest on Monday at the school premises said the new tuition fee as reflected on the students portal was unacceptable, TASUED Students Protest Tuition Fees Hike From N76,500 To N230,000- In Ogun State University of Education

Relatively the Students of the Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, have protested against the tuition fee hike for the 2023-2024 session.

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While staging the protest on Monday at the school premises an anonymous voice said the new tuition fee as reflected on the students portal was unacceptable

According to the students the school management has raised the tuition for new students enrolled in education courses from N76,500 to N230,000 and from N76,500 to N180,000 for returning students.


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The school fees for fresh students studying pure science courses were increased from N80,500 and N90,500 to N240,000, and from N80,500 and N90,500 to 190,000 for returning students.

The protesting students, who carried placards and leaf stems, reportedly marched to various departments and offices to voice their displeasure with the new proposed increments

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TASUED Students Protest

However, a statement by the Students Union Government has condemned the move labelling the decision of the management as inhumane.

Additionally Contained in the statement signed by the students’ Union President, Akinjetan Emmanuel, said the protest aimed to send a strong message to the university management.

Furthermore The statement reads,“ Our attention has been drawn to the university’s decision to increase our school fees on the portal. We firmly believe that this fee increment is unjust and places an unnecessary burden on students.

Let me say this out loud, “Education is a right, and it should be accessible to all. We want to assure you that we are actively working to address this issue. We will engage in communication with the university management to express our concerns and negotiate for a fair and affordable education.

“Meanwhile, we encourage each one of you to stand together and say No to this fee increment. We must unite as a strong and collective voice to make our concerns heard.

Finally they continued, “We refuse to accept this burden on our shoulders. It is crucial that we continue to raise our voices and make our concerns heard. By participating in the protest, we are advocating for a fair and affordable education,” he said

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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