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In a move to streamline the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy (C-of-O) for mass housing developments and address land use contraventions in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Minister Nyesom Wike inaugurated a Task Force on Tuesday. Headed by Estate Surveyor Michael O. Chinda, the task force, mandated to complete its assignment within one month, includes key members from various FCT departments.

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The primary goal, according to the FCT Minister, is to ensure that each house in Mass Housing Estates within the FCT obtains a C-of-O, with allottees covering the associated costs. The task force is also entrusted with imposing penalties on allottees who violate land use regulations, serving as a deterrent. Wike expressed concern about residential allocations being converted to commercial purposes and emphasized the need for controlled development in compliance with the law.

Highlighting the dual objective of revenue generation and controlled development, the Minister stated, “if you want to do it, you have a penalty to pay, and that penalty must be severe.” Additionally, he directed the task force to facilitate the acquisition of land documents for allottees in Area Councils lacking C-of-O for their plots.

The Minister stressed the importance of preventing the sale of plots allocated for mass housing development, charging the task force to diligently execute its responsibilities. Zenith Bank Plc has been designated to provide funds for the task force’s operations, and collected funds will be deposited in the bank.

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Wike issued a stern warning against pleas by defaulters once the task force begins its work, emphasizing the reliance on internally generated revenue for FCT’s development projects. He urged the task force to withstand external pressures and maintain a firm stance on enforcing regulations.

The task force’s establishment marks a decisive step towards fostering organized and law-abiding urban development in the FCT.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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