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The federal government has unveiled updated mining guidelines designed for the production of Community Development Agreements (CDAs) within the solid minerals sector.

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Led by Dr. Dele Alake, the Minister of Solid Mineral Development, the launch took place in Abuja on Friday. The event, organized by the African Centre for Leadership, Strategy, and Development (Centre LSD), the Ministry of Solid Mineral Development, and the Ford Foundation, aimed to enhance the socio-economic benefits for host communities from mining operations.

Dr. Alake emphasized the government’s dedication to ensuring that host communities receive maximum benefits, contributing to both local and national economic development.

He described the CDA as a legal provision facilitating the transfer of socio-economic benefits between mining title holders and host communities. The agreement outlines mutual obligations and commitments.

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The Minister highlighted the substantial impact of mineral resource extraction on host communities, underscoring the importance of involving these communities in the sector’s activities.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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