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Renowned Nollywood actress and singer Angela Okorie has shared the harrowing details of her life post an a**ass#n@tion attempt in December 2019, revealing the profound impact it had on her mental health. Okorie disclosed that she struggled with severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), insomnia, and acute stress disorder for over three years, requiring constant security surveillance.

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In a recent podcast interview hosted by her colleague Iyabo Ojo, Okorie opened up about the traumatic incident, stating, “We were actually coming from a show when we were att@cked by gunmen. It was very traumatising. For three good years, it was hard for me to have a relationship or do anything.”

The actress described her battle with PTSD and the subsequent development of insomnia and shock disorder. Okorie emphasized how the lingering trauma led her to live under constant security measures, hindering her ability to move freely without protection.

Recounting the origin of the a**ass#n@tion attempt, Okorie alleged that someone within the movie industry had sponsored the attack. She explained, “It was an a**ass#n@tion attack sponsored by someone in the movie industry. It’s from the industry because we were coming from a show.”

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The actress expressed the embarrassment of having to rely on security even in situations where it seemed unnecessary due to the persistent fear of another potential threat. This revelation sheds light on the challenges and emotional toll faced by individuals who have survived traumatic incidents, even in the glitzy world of showbiz.

As a reminder, Angela Okorie had previously shared the shocking news of the a**ass#n@tion attempt on her Instagram account in 2019, detailing the removal of ten bullets from her head and two bullets from close to her eyes.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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