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Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has recounted an incident from 1998 when the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), to which he belonged, lost a local government election in Ogun State. The loss, he said, was a result of his refusal to endorse plans to bribe the police and Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) personnel.

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Speaking at a high-level consultation on ‘Rethinking Western Liberal Democracy in Africa’ in Abeokuta on Monday, Obasanjo shared how party leaders had proposed allocating money for the police and INEC during a meeting in his office. He rejected the proposal, citing his belief that INEC officials and policemen are government workers receiving monthly salaries.

Reflecting on the consequences of his decision, Obasanjo revealed that the party lost all the local governments in that election. Party leaders later approached him, suggesting that if they had followed the usual practice of bribing, they would have won.

In the subsequent State Assembly election, Obasanjo distanced himself from any involvement, choosing not to participate. However, the result remained the same. He highlighted an incident where money meant for election expenses was not distributed as intended.

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Expressing his discomfort with the term ‘Nigerian factor,’ Obasanjo emphasized the challenges posed by poverty and lack of education to democracy. He argued that the Western liberal democracy practiced in Africa needs to consider human nature and the African situation more comprehensively.

Obasanjo urged a realistic approach, acknowledging that hunger and poverty can compromise the democratic process, with individuals selling their votes for meager sums. He underscored the need to address poverty and promote education for the betterment of democracy in Africa.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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