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In a commitment to bolster states’ efforts in poverty alleviation, addressing infrastructural gaps, ensuring food security, and supporting small and nano businesses, Dr. Abdulkarim Obaje, the National Coordinator of the Nigeria Covid-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (NG-CARES) Programme, announced the Federal Government’s dedication to providing assistance.

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During a courtesy visit to Governor Agbu Kefas of Taraba, Obaje emphasized the potential for expanded access to livelihood support, food security services, and grants for vulnerable households and businesses if states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) wholeheartedly back the implementation of NG-CARES.

Describing NG-CARES as a Performance for Results (PforR) initiative, Obaje highlighted that states and the FCT would be reimbursed for development funding based on agreed protocols, with reimbursement tied to earned results, resulting in amounts surpassing the initial investment.

Obaje noted that Taraba had utilized only $3.98 million out of the allocated $20 million since the inception of the program, urging more support from the state government to enhance performance and secure additional funds.

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Governor Kefas, in response, assured the full commitment of the state government to supporting the NG-CARES Programme. He urged the program’s implementation departments and agencies to adhere to guidelines outlined in the Implementation Manual, emphasizing the importance of working diligently to achieve better results for the state.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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