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Acknowledging the current challenges in the Super Eagles’ goalkeeping department, former goalkeeper Peter Rufai has expressed his concerns and called for collective support.

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Francis Uzoho, the current number one goalkeeper, has faced considerable criticism for his recent subpar performances, contributing to the three-time African champions’ goalkeeping woes. Additionally, Maduka Okoye, once the team’s first choice, struggled to instill confidence when called upon.

Rufai, a distinguished goalkeeper from Africa, recognizes the situation but emphasizes the need for a unified response from the entire team. In an interview with BBC Sports Africa, the 60-year-old stated, “Yes, we have a goalkeeping problem, but it’s not that we don’t have quality goalkeepers. They need to be courageous, they must be strong and not let the criticisms demoralize them. The entire team should rise up to the occasion.”

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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