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The Nigerian Army has issued a strong condemnation of what it deems an unprovoked attack on troops and patrol vehicles during a recent protest along Lafia-Makurdi Road in Nasarawa State.

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The protest, a response to the Court of Appeal’s ruling on the gubernatorial election in the state, resulted in the blockage of the major highway.

In a statement signed by Brigadier General Onyema Nwachukwu, the Director of Army Public Relations, the army expressed concern over the protesters’ actions, describing the attack on troops’ patrol vehicles as unwarranted.

The statement clarified that available video footage and visual images of the protest demonstrate that troops professionally managed crowd dispersal, ensuring the safety of citizens and protecting public infrastructure. It refuted the protesters’ claim that the troops’ convoy had rammed into them.

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While acknowledging citizens’ right to express grievances through peaceful protests, the Nigerian Army emphasized the importance of conducting such protests within the confines of the law, prioritizing safety and security for all parties involved.

The army asserted that v#olence, destruction of public property, and ass@ult on security personnel are unacceptable and run counter to the principles of peaceful protest.

Troops were deployed to maintain law and order, with strict rules of engagement aimed at preventing further escalation of v#olence and maintaining peace.

The statement urged individuals and groups participating in protests to exercise restraint and engage in peaceful and constructive dialogue. The Army emphasized that resorting to v#olence exacerbates the situation and impedes progress toward resolving grievances.

Community and religious leaders, along with other stakeholders, were called upon to contribute to promoting peace and harmony in their respective communities.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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