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A devastating volcanic eruption on Mount Marapi in Indonesia has claimed the lives of eleven hikers, while a dozen others remain missing. The catastrophe occurred on Sunday, as the 2,891-meter volcano on the island of Sumatra spewed a massive ash column, reaching heights of 3,000 meters into the sky.

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In the aftermath of the eruption, rescue operations were immediately initiated, with dedicated teams working tirelessly through the night to locate and aid stranded hikers on the mountain. The volcanic event led to a deluge of ash, impacting nearby villages and leaving survivors with burns and fractures.

Local rescue authorities confirmed that the deceased hikers were discovered near the volcano’s crater, while 49 others managed to descend, some sustaining injuries. The ongoing eruptions posed challenges to the rescue efforts, and approximately 120 rescuers are manually bringing down the injured and stranded individuals as helicopter assistance remains hindered.

Despite the risks associated with sporadic eruptions, officials emphasized the determination to continue the search for the missing individuals. Some survivors were located near the crater, with a harrowing video depicting a rescue worker carrying an injured hiker to safety amidst the darkness of the night.

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Among the rescued hikers is 19-year-old Zhafirah Zahrim Febrina, who, in a video message, pleaded for help from her mother. Febrina, accompanied by 18 school friends, was on a hiking trip when the eruption occurred. She is currently in a nearby hospital, grappling with the psychological impact of witnessing burns and enduring pain throughout the night.

The eruption caused ash rain, reaching the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra’s third-largest city. Ash coated cars, scooters, and ambulances, while residents reported a temporary blockage of sunlight. Mount Marapi is on the second alert level in Indonesia’s four-step system, leading authorities to establish a three-kilometer exclusion zone around its crater. At least eight rescued hikers suffered burns, underscoring the perilous conditions near the erupting volcano.

As the search for the missing hikers intensifies, families anxiously await news. Relief swept over Febrina’s family when they received confirmation of her safety through a livestream on TikTok by a member of the rescue services.

Situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Indonesian archipelago is prone to high volcanic and seismic activity, hosting nearly 130 active volcanoes across the country.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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