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The Women Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State has appealed to the Wife of the President, Oluremi Tinubu, to intervene and facilitate the release of Rhoda Ya’u Jatau from prison in Bauchi State.

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Evang. (Mrs) J.E. Soolo, speaking on behalf of the association during a recently concluded stakeholders workshop on preventing violence against women, girls, and persons with disabilities in Delta State, urged Deaconess Tinubu to use her influence and advocate for Rhoda’s case.

Soolo emphasized that Mrs. Tinubu, being a Christian mother, should lend her voice to the plea for Rhoda’s release. She highlighted the importance of addressing the case, asserting that there is freedom of speech in Nigeria, and Rhoda’s actions in sharing videos expressing her concerns about the murder of Deborah Samuel should not be treated as a criminal offense.

The evangelist clarified that Rhoda shared the videos on her personal platform and not in the public domain, emphasizing that there was nothing inappropriate with the content she shared. Expressing concern about the looming trial under Sharia Law, Soolo pleaded for peace and urged authorities to release Rhoda.

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In a heartfelt plea, she called on organizations advocating against violence towards women, children, and persons with disabilities to scrutinize Rhoda’s case and join in pleading for her release, emphasizing the need to uphold justice and protect individuals from unjust legal proceedings.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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