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In response to the recent kidnapping of students from the Federal University Lafia (FULafia), a wave of protests has swept through the streets of Lafia, as students express their frustration and demand urgent action against the prevailing insecurity.

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Unknown gunmen targeted an off-campus lodge at Gandu, near FULafia, abd¥cting an unspecified number of students in a Wednesday attack.

Protesters from FULafia took to the streets on Thursday, brandishing placards with messages like ‘Student Lives Matter’ and ‘A cry for one is a cry for all.’ They called for the immediate and unconditional release of their k#dn@pped peers, whose whereabouts remain unknown.

The demonstrators voiced their discontent with the persistent insecurity surrounding the university environment and demanded an end to the threats against their safety. Expressing their frustration, they emphasized that they have reached a breaking point and can no longer tolerate the security challenges in the area.

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One protester, Josephine, criticized the state government for allegedly ignoring their pleas, attributing it to their lack of familial connections.

According to her, “This situation is worsening every day. Who knows if they will start entering the school hostels to kidnap students? The Governor is aware of it but has done nothing because we’re not his children or family members.”

Another student, Osanga Jacob, accused the Nigerian Police of complicity in the crime, alleging that they disrupted their peaceful protest.

“If the Nigeria Police can come and start brutalizing us during a peaceful protest, it shows they are greatly involved in these k#dn@pping cases.”

In response to the escalating situation, the Nigeria Police reportedly deployed officers to the university to restore order and address the rising concerns of students and staff.

Gandu community, situated close to FULafia’s permanent site, accommodates hundreds of students and staff members.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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