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Hajiya Aisha Bala Mohammed, the wife of Bauchi State Governor, has taken a proactive step towards addressing mental health concerns in the state. In a significant move, she inaugurated a steering committee to monitor and tackle mental health issues, emphasizing the critical importance of mental health intervention within both health facilities and communities.

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During the ceremony held at Hazibal Hotel in Bauchi on Friday, the First Lady also unveiled a mental health helpline designed for public use, aiming to facilitate a quick response to mental health issues.


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The event, organized by the State Ministry of Health in collaboration with Plan International and Global Affairs Canada (GAC), underscored the commitment to fostering mental health well-being within the state.


Hajiya Aisha stressed that the State Mental Health Steering Committee would play a pivotal role in coordinating, strengthening, and implementing mental health interventions across various sectors.


While traditional mental health services primarily focused on secondary prevention by detecting and treating disorders after onset, Hajiya Aisha highlighted the potential of primary preventive and promotion strategies. Addressing mental health at an early stage could prevent the exacerbation of conditions, reduce suffering, and enhance overall well-being.


She called upon relevant stakeholders and partners to contribute innovative strategies for strengthening mental health interventions in communities. The establishment of the State Mental Health Steering Committee aligns with directives from the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and is poised to ensure proper coordination and effective implementation of mental health interventions in the state.


Emphasizing the broader scope of mental health, Hajiya Aisha highlighted its encompassing nature, spanning emotional well-being, resilience, and the ability to cope with life’s challenges. This initiative signals a significant stride toward prioritizing mental health in Bauchi State.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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