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In a significant move, Katsina State has established specialized courts following the enactment of the V#olence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act and the Child Protection Law. The primary objective is to expedite the resolution of cases related to gender-based v#olence (GBV) and child ab¥se.

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The Chief Judge, Justice Musa Danladi Abubakar, made this announcement after Governor Dikko Umaru Radda ceremonially assented to both laws on Friday. Justice Danladi commended the governor for his leadership and commitment to human rights, emphasizing the importance of not only enacting robust laws but also ensuring their effective implementation through dedicated enforcement mechanisms.


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Highlighting the Quran’s clear provisions for protecting women and children, Justice Danladi expressed concern about the frequent disregard for fundamental rights. He described the newly established courts as a “pivotal step towards upholding human rights” and expressed confidence in their ability to address GBV and child ab¥se with sensitivity and swiftness.


Recognizing the urgency of action, the Chief Judge cited recent distressing incidents, including a high-profile assault on a lawyer’s wife. To combat such occurrences, he unveiled a dedicated hotline for reporting v#olence across the state.


Drawing on Quranic teachings, the Chief Judge emphasized the sanctity of all life and the collective responsibility to safeguard it. Applauding Governor Radda’s proactive approach, Justice Danladi commended the creation of a steering committee to oversee the implementation of the laws.


He urged all stakeholders, including religious leaders, community members, and law enforcement agencies, to actively participate in enforcing these crucial protections. The establishment of these specialized courts marks a significant stride in Katsina’s commitment to tackling GBV and child ab¥se effectively.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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