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Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, has expressed his concerns over the alleged distractions caused by former local government chairmen who were dismissed in 2019. Makinde accused the ex-chairmen of using various methods to divert attention from his government.

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The former council bosses were elected in 2018 during Governor Abiola Ajimobi’s administration for a three-year term but were sacked by Makinde in 2019. Following their dismissal, the former chairmen secured a court judgment freezing the state’s accounts in ten commercial banks due to the non-payment of their entitlements.


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Governor Makinde, responding to the situation, emphasized that his government would not succumb to pressure to release state funds until all legal avenues were exhausted. He clarified that the council bosses would only be paid if the Supreme Court mandated him to do so.


Speaking on the matter, Makinde stated, “I could have worked with anybody, but because they did something that was not in line with the Constitution, we decided that they had to go. That was not the first time… I took the decision solely because I felt we could not build a foundation on unconstitutionality.”


He highlighted previous instances where dissolved administrations were still receiving entitlements, pointing out that his government is committed to upholding constitutional principles. Despite distractions caused by legal battles, Makinde asserted his determination not to pay the former chairmen until the Supreme Court issues a directive.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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