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The Nigeria National League (NNL) has issued a directive to clubs, urging them to participate in the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) and Federation International Football Association (FIFA) Connect Transfer platform.

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The Chief Operating Officer of the league, Ayo Abdulrahaman, stressed the importance of clubs adhering to the Transfer Matching System (TMS) and the Domestic Transfer Certificate (DTC) when transferring their players.

Abdulrahman further emphasized that clubs that have not yet paid the mandatory N150,000 fee into the NFF account, a requirement for participation, should do so promptly. Clubs that have complied with this directive should provide evidence of payment along with means of identification.

These requirements are essential to facilitate the smooth upload and completion of each player’s data within the platform.

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Additionally, the NNL has mandated that all 40 clubs within the league must be included in the NFF/FIFA Connect grid.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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