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In a valedictory court session held in his honor, retired Supreme Court Justice Musa Dattijo Muhammad expressed deep concern about the inadequate salary structure for Justices in Nigeria. He disclosed that the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court earns more than the Justices, highlighting significant disparities in their earnings.

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According to Justice Muhammad, the monthly salary of the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court stands at N1.2 million, while Justices receive N751,000, resulting in a notable 37.4 percent difference. Furthermore, he emphasized that the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Olukayode Ariwoola, receives only N400,000 in monthly salary, which is 66.7 percent less than the N1.2 million monthly income of the Supreme Court Registrar.

Justice Dattijo Muhammad raised concerns over the reduction in Justices’ salaries despite taking on additional responsibilities. He emphasized that the unjust and embarrassing salary gap between the Justices and the Chief Registrar has persisted, and this situation remains intriguing.

The retired Justice’s statements shed light on the need to address disparities in the remuneration of judicial officials in Nigeria, ensuring fairness and equity within the legal system.

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This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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