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The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has stressed the importance of collaboration between federal and state governments in addressing the numerous challenges facing Nigeria’s healthcare system. Rownak Khan, the Deputy Representative of UNICEF in Nigeria, emphasized the need for effective coordination between national and subnational entities during the induction of newly appointed Commissioners of Health in Nigeria, under the theme “Navigating Health Leadership: From Promise to Impact” in Abuja.

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Ms. Khan highlighted that aligning policies and implementation at both federal and state levels is essential for Nigeria to effectively and sustainably confront its healthcare challenges. UNICEF believes that real progress can only be achieved through strong policy coherence and implementation alignment between these two levels of government.

She pointed out that the new approach signaled by the coordinating minister of health and social welfare and various health commissioners presents a unique opportunity for innovation and efficiency in addressing the sector’s numerous challenges. UNICEF eagerly anticipates the realization of the government’s strategic direction in the health sector, particularly the adoption of a Sector-Wide Approach (SWAP) proposed by the coordinating minister, which aims to maximize the impact of development assistance to the country.

Ms. Khan reaffirmed UNICEF’s commitment to supporting federal and state health ministries in elaborating, implementing, and tracking various policy initiatives. UNICEF places a strong emphasis on strengthening primary healthcare, recognizing its significance as the foundation of a nation’s healthcare infrastructure. A robust primary healthcare system is pivotal for improving maternal and child health, nutrition, and immunization coverage.

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UNICEF stands prepared to offer technical expertise, capacity building, and resources to help health commissioners revitalize and strengthen primary healthcare facilities. They fully support the vision of Professor Pate to ensure healthcare services are accessible, affordable, and equitable, even in the most remote and underserved communities.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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