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National Security Adviser (NSA) Nuhu Ribadu addressed the Chief of Defence Intelligence Annual Conference 2023 in Abuja, shedding light on the financial challenges facing the country. Ribadu attributed the current economic strain to President Bola Tinubu inheriting an empty treasury upon assuming office a few months ago.

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Speaking candidly about the financial constraints, Ribadu reassured the nation of the federal government’s commitment to maintaining a robust defense management and security apparatus. He acknowledged the severity of the inherited situation, describing the country as “literally bankrupt” with the need to pay back funds taken.

Despite the challenging financial landscape, Ribadu praised the armed forces for their dedication in addressing security challenges. He emphasized the government’s efforts to meet the requirements of the armed forces despite the constrained budget, expressing confidence in positive changes and improvements.

“We are just four or five months old, but certainly things have changed, and we believe that what they are doing, they are doing it right. We want to encourage them, stand by them, and support them 100 percent, and hopefully, this country will be okay in a short time,” Ribadu said.

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While urging unity and support for the security agencies, Ribadu highlighted the importance of defense diplomacy in pursuing strategic engagements with allies and partners to achieve national security objectives. He pointed to recent coups in various countries, emphasizing the need for a strong defense stance.

The Chief of Defence Intelligence, Maj Gen Emmanuel Undiandeye, affirmed the agency’s determination to leverage the capabilities of the defense attaché system for national security objectives. The conference, attended by key figures including the Minister of Defence and Minister of State, focused on addressing contemporary security challenges and fostering unity for the nation’s stability.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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