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The Coalition of Middle Belt Groups (CMBG) has sounded the alarm, expressing concerns that Nigeria is gradually heading towards a one-party state under the leadership of President Bola Tinubu.

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The group pointed to the increasing trend of opposition party members losing their seats, describing it as a strategy employed by “closet fascists” with the aim of transforming Nigeria into a one-party dictatorship.

CMBG’s statement comes in response to recent court judgments that led to the removal of some Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) lawmakers in Plateau State from the national assembly.

Ben Omale, the convener of the group, voiced his dismay over what he alleged to be efforts by anti-democratic forces to destabilize Plateau State and potentially extend this influence across the entire country.

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Addressing reporters in Abuja, Omale expressed concern about the praise, particularly from the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Plateau State, lauding the court rulings as a demonstration of democracy in action.

The statement emphasized the fear that this strategy could be replicated in other non-APC states, ultimately leading to the party’s control over all states in the Federation within the next eighteen months. The Middle Belt region, according to the group, is particularly vulnerable, anticipating potential security challenges resulting from what they described as a “criminal experiment” with Nigeria’s democracy.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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