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President Bola Tinubu has underscored his unwavering commitment to preventing any student from abandoning their education due to financial constraints. Speaking at the 33rd convocation ceremony of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) in Ondo State, Tinubu, represented by Professor King-David Terna Yawe of the National Universities Commission (NUC), emphasized the need for educational institutions to receive ample resources to fulfill their mandates.

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Acknowledging the challenges within the education sector, Tinubu highlighted the significance of the Student Loan Bill, signed into law shortly after his inauguration. This legislative milestone serves as a concrete demonstration of his administration’s dedication to supporting students.

Tinubu asserted, “My government is steadfast in shouldering its responsibilities in this crucial area. We are committed to ensuring that educational institutions have the necessary resources to effectively carry out their statutory responsibilities. The enactment of the Student Loan Bill, one of my initial actions as President, exemplifies our commitment to turning these words into tangible results.”

He continued, “Under my leadership, as outlined in my manifesto, no student will face the unfortunate circumstance of being compelled to abandon their education due to an inability to pay tuition. Our vision is a future where education is a gateway accessible to all, and we are actively working towards making this a reality.”

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