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The Tinubu administration has announced that the opening of the 37 newly approved universities, which occurred during the previous administration, will be postponed.

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It is worth noting that these universities were granted licenses by the administration led by President Muhammadu Buhari just days before the transition of power.

Minister of Education, Tahir Mamman, made this announcement after a meeting with President Bola Tinubu in Abuja on Wednesday.

The decision to delay the launch of these universities is primarily due to the recognition of the substantial funding required for the effective implementation of educational programs at these institutions.

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Mamman elaborated on the rationale behind this decision, stating, “A number of these new universities were approved by the past administration in its twilight. After much consideration, President Tinubu felt their take-off should be staggered. This does not imply that these universities will be eliminated but rather they will be assessed based on their areas of strength and the advantages they offer to students.”

The focus of the new administration’s education policy is centered on equipping students with skills that not only benefit them personally but also contribute to the nation’s economic growth.

The Minister also emphasized that the government is addressing the challenges faced by states in accessing funds from the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC).

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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