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The House of Representatives has passed a resolution urging the Federal Government to appoint nine new justices to the Supreme Court. This move aims to expedite the hearing and resolution of legal matters, ensuring effective and efficient justice delivery in Nigeria.

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The decision came following the adoption of a motion presented by Patrick Umoh (PDP, Akwa-Ibom) during a plenary session in Abuja on Thursday.

Umoh emphasized that the current number of justices in the Supreme Court has dwindled to a historical low of 11, which falls significantly short of the full complement of 21 justices required by the Nigerian Constitution.

He pointed out that the Supreme Court’s caseload for 2023 is already overwhelming, with limited hearing dates available for cases filed this year, except for election petitions. This backlog results from the substantial volume of pending cases before the court.

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Umoh expressed concerns that the delay in appointing new justices to the Supreme Court has hindered swift, effective, and efficient justice delivery, affecting economic transactions and development while limiting citizens’ access to justice. This situation has also placed considerable mental and physical strain on the existing justices, impacting the court’s policy-making role.

Umoh commended President Bola Tinubu for his commitment to upholding the rule of law and supporting the judiciary. He also praised the president for signing into law the constitutional amendment that unifies the retirement age and pension benefits of judicial officers.

The House, in adopting the motion, has tasked its Committee on Federal Judiciary with ensuring the resolution’s implementation.

This report is developing, more details will be shared on the SkiwordNews Telegram Channel as soon as possible.

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